Father God,
You are great and worthy of praise.1
I am grateful for the mercy you have conferred on the United States.

You have promised to heal our land if we humble ourselves before You,2 and today we do so in a special day of prayer.

I join with the President in asking for your guidance, mercy, and protection on our country.

You have blessed this nation and bestowed freedom upon America, but we recognize that true freedom—eternal freedom cannot be granted by a government, but by the Lamb of God alone.

Your Word says, “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” (Galatians 5:1 NIV)

I thank you for the liberty and freedom you have granted the United States, and pray we will not return to the shackles of the enemy’s deception.

I lift up my president and his staff to you. May the Holy Spirit give them the gifts of both leadership and servitude.3 I do not know the struggles they face on a daily basis, but I pray for them to be encouraged and strengthened through a relationship with You.

I also ask your blessing on American troops serving away from their loved ones, and for your comforting hand to be on the families awaiting their safe return.

Give us the strength to stand with our allies, but the will to stand alone with You when necessary. Through seeking your will, may our sovereignty be a light to other nations and a hope to those in need.

And as we pray for unity, may our first concern be our personal unity with You. Examine my heart, pointing out anything You need to prune or transform in me. Show me what hinders my time in prayer for our country. For unity in the body is only possible when we surrender to the Spirit as individuals.

Above all, teach us to be a nation dedicated to your Word. Teach us to pray for our leaders4 and seek your face. Teach us to pray for repentance as our forefather did, and may we never be a Christian nation by mere proclamation, but through our actions of faith, mercy, and compassion.


Psalm 145:3
2 2 Chronicles 7:14
Romans 12:5-8
1 Timothy 2:1-2


Adapted from the book, American Psalms: Prayers for the Christian Patriot by Joshua J Masters | Copyright 2012, 2016, Joshua J Masters and Kingdom Knight Productions. May not be reproduced without permission.

[tweetshare tweet=” NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER: Through seeking your will, may our sovereignty be a light to other nations and a hope to those in need. #Pray4Unity #NDP2018 #NationalDayofPrayer / FULL PRAYER and VIDEO:” username=”joshuajmasters”]


Joshua J. Masters is a pastor, author, and missionary with a heart for leading through encouragement and relationship building. His latest book series, Experiencing the Word, releases a new workbook each month as Joshua leads through a year of meditating on the Bible.

A self-proclaimed sci-fi and comic book geek, Josh loves film, art, pop culture, and all things creative (SAG/AFTRA member). Joshua was raised in New England and is now based in South Carolina where he serves as the Executive Director and a missionary for Bridge Builders International. 


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© Joshua J. Masters and Kingdom Knight Productions, 2022, 2018. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.

Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Joshua J Masters and Kingdom Knight Productions with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

Although Josh is honored to be on staff at Brookwood Church, everything on this site is his personal opinion and is not read or approved before it is posted. Opinions, conclusions and other information expressed here do not necessarily reflect the views of Brookwood Church.

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