What attitude should we have when we approach God in prayer? How do we maintain a reverence for God while still building an intimate relationship with Him? If we want to have the power of Christ in our lives, we must first understand who God truly is. We can’t expect the power of God in our lives if we approach that power casually. The Lord’s Prayer opens with these words:
Pray like this:
Our Father in heaven,
may your name be kept holy.
May your Kingdom come soon.
May your will be done on earth,
as it is in heaven.
(Matthew 6:9-10 NLT)
What does it mean to pray for God’s name to be kept holy? Before bringing any petitions before God, we’re called to acknowledge His authority, His plan, His Kingdom, and the holiness of His name. Without reflecting on the character and power of God, our requests of Him will likely be selfish.
In the second episode of the “When You Pray” Care Ministries podcast series from Brookwood Church, I’m joined by my regular co-hosts and fellow Brookwood Care Ministries pastors, Gene Beckner and Doug Wildman as we explore what it means to approach God with an understanding of His glory.
Listen to the full When You Pray podcast series and read the verses as they’re posted by clicking HERE.
What steps will you take to approach God with reverence? We’d love to have you comment below.
The Brookwood Ministries Podcast is officially available through the Brookwood Church App, iTunes, PodBean, and your device’s podcast app. Episodes from Care Ministries (including this series) are also posted on our Care Ministries Facebook Page.