What does it mean to trust God with our needs? If we’re fully focused on who God is, His Kingdom, and His will, it will change the perspective of our needs. Trusting God with our daily provision requires us to acknowledge that our interpretation of a need is very different from what our needs actually are.
In this podcast series, we’ve been digging deeper into the relationship God calls us to through the prayer model Christ gives us in the Book of Matthew. In the first two episodes, we looked at the beginning of chapter six. The Lord’s Prayer continues with these words:
Give us today our daily bread.
(Matthew 6:11 NIV)
It’s difficult to look at the phrase, “Give us today our daily bread” without thinking of the Manna God provided to the Israelites in the desert (Exodus 16).
Every day, food appeared in the morning, and they were told to collect only what they needed for that day. This was food that simply appeared through the grace of God, yet the Israelites were ungrateful and discontent. Even when God gave them what they wanted beyond their needs, they wanted more.
When Jesus gives us this model of prayer and instructs us to ask for our daily bread, what do you think He means?
Are most of the “needs” we ask for really wants disguised as necessities or do we trust God to know what we need?
In the third episode of the “When You Pray” Care Ministries podcast series from Brookwood Church, I’m joined by my regular co-hosts and fellow Brookwood Care Ministries pastors, Gene Beckner and Doug Wildman as we explore what it means to bring our needs before God.
Listen to the full When You Pray podcast series and read the verses as they’re posted by clicking HERE.
How does trusting God with your needs affect your relationship with Him? How should it? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.
The Brookwood Ministries Podcast is officially available through the Brookwood Church App, iTunes, PodBean, and your device’s podcast app. Episodes from Care Ministries (including this series) are also posted on our Care Ministries Facebook Page.
Just as each person collected the perfect amount of manna – no one had too much or too little, we too are provided with exactly the right amount of provision for each day. And then – just as each person was to consume all they had gathered that day – no hoarding allowed because they were to trust that the Lord would provide again tomorrow – so too are we to live out of God’s provision abundantly. We are to expend his daily provision confident that he will replenish it tomorrow. Learning to trust in the daily provision (and this isn’t just about food or $$) helps me to be more generous – in all areas and aspects of life.
Thank you Josh for these messages
Thank you, Jevia Lyn. God bless!
When I truly trust God to meet my needs, I find that my stress level goes down. I am trusting him to do what he promises and I don’t have to try and control everything. I also become more aware of his constant presence in my life.
What a great way to put it, Becky. I love the idea that trusting God for our needs makes us more aware of His presence. Thank you.
Asking God for my needs reminds me that He is the one meeting them, always, whether I’m asking or not. But in the asking I find myself acknowledging His good gifts and more grateful for His ongoing care.
That is such a great perspective, Michelle. Thanks so much.
For me, God’s “daily bread” says to me that He will meet my needs each day; and I stand in faith on that promise. What I am coming to learn is that God wants me to understand the difference between wants and needs. He’ll provide my needs, but I need to be a better steward of His blessings in my life. His word doesn’t promise me He’ll give me my “human” heart’s desires, but He does desire me to remain dependent upon him for my daily needs.
I could not agree more, J.D.
I think our Western culture makes it extremely difficult to understand the difference between what we want and what we need. Thank you for your honest comment.