His body tensed before the newscaster even finished her sentence. The disgust was unbearable, and his fingers violently tapped out his disapproval in a hastily crafted social media post. That’s how many people respond to American politics, but our own agendas and political bias can block us from seeing God’s greater purpose.
Scripture calls us to respect those who are in authority and pray for our leaders—even when we don’t agree with them. Consider what Paul wrote to the Roman church and Timothy:
Everyone must submit to governing authorities. For all authority comes from God, and those in positions of authority have been placed there by God. So anyone who rebels against authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and they will be punished.
Romans 13:1-2 (NLT)
I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity.
1 Timothy 2:1-2 (NLT)
“But when Paul wrote those letters, he never had to deal with the kind of politics we have now,” you might say.
Paul was part of an oppressive leadership system before God changed his heart, and they lived under the Roman Empire that nailed people who didn’t agree with them to pieces of wood. When was the last time Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders did that?
We like to believe we’re justified in our negativity. Our indignant desire to change our politicians prevents us from seeing what God wants to change in us.
Before praying for America, we should be asking God what he wants to change in our own hearts. Do our words and actions on social media reflect God’s sovereignty or a desire for our own?
Are you willing to pray for the country from a place of worship rather than anger?
In a political atmosphere of division, American Psalms promotes a non-partisan approach to praying for America, offering a worship-based approach to becoming a prayer warrior for our nation. Filled with Scripture-focused prayer, tips for your own spiritual formation, and tools to fulfill God’s command to pray for those in authority over us, this book will renew your heart for the nation that gives personal liberty and the God who gives eternal freedom.
We must learn to pray for our nation beyond our own agendas if we want God to heal our nation. This Memorial Day, let’s take time to pray for our nation and for the families who mourn the loss of their loved ones—men and women who wore the uniform and died to protect our rights to worship and pray.
Our Prayer for Memorial Day can help you honor their memory.
To honor those who were lost and to promote prayer for our nation,
will be available in Kindle edition for only $0.99
Only available until Noon on Memorial Day
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It’s so easy for us to complain and point fingers at others, but VERY difficult to look inward and examine our own heart with its multitude of sins. I agree, we need to pray for ourselves–ask God to change our hearts so that we might truly love one another as Jesus intended–to love our neighbor–to work for the good others, whether they are just like us or not–to respect and honor others–to live by the Fruit of the Spirit. What an inspiring message, Joshua. Thank you!
I’m so grateful for your encouraging words, Katherine. Thank you so much. I completely agree with you. Imagine how incredible the church body would be if we all sought to produce the Fruit of the Spirit in our lives and interactions with others.
Before praying for America, we should be asking God what he wants to change in our own hearts.
Wow and Amen. True revival begins with me.
Thanks, Joshua for your words and your heart.
You’re so welcome, Jeanne. I love how you worded that, “True revival begins with me.” Image what the Lord would do in this nation if we all humbled ourselves to that resolve. Amen.
Thanks for pointing us back to the biblical perspective!
Thanks for pointing us to the biblical viewpoint on this!
You are welcome, Kathy. Thanks so much for visiting the post. I’m glad you were encouraged.
This is really heart-inspiring, Joshua. Thank you.
Thank you, Molly Jo. I appreciate your encouragement.
Thank you sir. I cannot make it through “Taps” without a tear. I thank God for your willingness to remind us that on this special day of remembrance, we need to sit our opinions aside and remember what it means to be American. God’s blessings sir.
Thank you, J.D.
I feel the same way. May the Lord encourage you and comfort the families who mourn the loss of a loved one over this Memorial Day weekend.
Thank you for wise perspective. Your advice to ask God to change our hearts is critical.
I appreciate your encouragement, Jeannie. May God transform our hearts.