When your circumstances so overwhelm your heart it can no longer convey its anguish in words, it can seem impossible to come before God in prayer. How do you pray when you don’t know what to pray? How do you speak to God when grief holds your words captive?
Prayers don’t have to be eloquent or even verbal when our soul feels lost. Remember, “The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit” (Psalm 34:18 NIV). In fact, we can defer our prayer to the Holy Spirit and Christ, who approach the Father on our behalf.
So when our own words won’t come, perhaps our hearts can rely on the promise of His, praying silently from the depth of our sorrow:
Father God,
I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what to say.
Show me how the Spirit is praying for me because I don’t know how to pray for myself.
Show me how He’s pleading for me because you promised that “the Holy Spirit helps us in our weakness. … we don’t know what God wants us to pray for. But the Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words. And the Father who knows all hearts knows what the Spirit is saying, for the Spirit pleads for us believers in harmony with God’s own will.”1
I can’t sense the Spirit’s comfort so help me know He’s here, even as He prays for me.
I feel so weak. Remind me of Christ’s victory and that He too intercedes for me in prayer.
“… for Christ Jesus died for us and was raised to life for us, and he is sitting in the place of honor at God’s right hand, pleading for us.”2
I can’t pray, Lord. So show me how You’re praying for me.
1 Romans 8:26-27 (NLT)
2 Romans 8:34b (NLT)
Help others who are struggling by describing how you connect with God’s presence in moments of grief, sorrow, or brokenness in the comments below.
Well yes if I could get a prayer for mistaken identity abuse that I’ve had in my life ignorant men or women to do foolish things for money cuz they didn’t have confidence about themselves that’s where they are cruel person towards somebody to try to make it that’s kind of what I need prayers for prayers for others near me that they don’t become weak of a person that wants to make them weaker than their situation at the in
Good words to have handy for those moments that we don’t have any of our own. I’ve been in a difficult season recently and this verse keeps popping up. God must want me to hear it.
God wants to encourage you as He strengthens your relationship with Him. When God sets the same verses before us through multiple avenues, we know He is calling out to us. May He continue to build you up and make His path for you clear.
During those times when I can’t find the words or spirit to pray, I practice “prayer by listening.” I am silent and still and imagine being in God’s presence. He knows my struggles! But during those same times, I’m also anxious and have trouble maintaining quietness and stillness. A prayer such as yours is the answer for that. Thanks for sharing this.
Candyce, I love this so much. “Prayer by listening” is a such a wonderful phrase. Thank you for being so transparent in your comment.
That’s beautiful, Joshua and will be helpful for so many when we just don’t know what to say to our Lord. It’s so comforting to know that the Holy Spirit knows what to ask, even when we don’t. Thank you for sharing.
I agree, Katherine. It can make such a difference in our prayer life. Thank you.
Thank you, Joshua. So much truth in so few words. I have had to rely on the Holy Spirit praying for me many times. I am thankful He does.
Thank you, Stephanie. There have been times when I just couldn’t speak and Like you, Im so thankful the Spirit speaks for me.
Joshua, This is a lovely prayer. When I don’t have words, I sing to Him. I’ve done it since I was a child.
That’s a great answer, Beckie. Singing to the Lord is. Such a powerful way to connect with Him.
Joshua, I love the fact that, in your prayer, you ask the Lord to show you how the Holy Spirit is praying for you. I’ve often been in situations where I couldn’t think of what to pray and was comforted to know that the Holy Spirit was “groaning” for me. But, I’ve never thought to ask the Lord to reveal those prayers to me, and I really like that. Thanks for sharing!
You’re welcome, Julie. That is a question we often ask in our staff prayer time at the church I work at. It has really changed my perspective on prayer.
Thank you for centering your prayer for when you can’t pray around Scripture verses. Sometimes I will open the Psalms to read when I don’t know what to say. Thank God that Jesus ever lives to intercede for us.
Yes, Thank God for His intercession. I believe God loves hearing us read His word back to Him. That’s a great approach, Joanna.
Sometimes all I can do is offer up tears; our Father hears the Holy Spirit speak for me on those occasions. I don’t know what He says in heaven, but I know God sends healing and comfort. Well versed prayer sir.
Thank you, J.D.
I certainly know that feeling. Every tear we offer God is filled with a thousand words, and He hears every one.
This is a helpful prayer. I especially like this part: “I can’t sense the Spirit’s comfort so help me know He’s here, even as He prays for me.” Sometimes this is all the prayer I would need!
Thanks so much, Heather. Yes, I agree. Knowing the Spirit prays for us and asking to sense His presence can bring a lot of peace, even when we don’t have answers.